
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

36 Weeks

Awww look at Frankie pants moping in the back. Frank knows little but I think he knows somethings up.

I can't believe we are 36 weeks! I don't know where the last 8 months have gone! I hope how ever many weeks we have left move it along a bit. I have never hidden the fact that I am the most impatient person to ever grace the Earth and I want our baby. I want to see her face and hold her and squish her. 4 weeks feels like an eternity now that we are so close.

We had our dr. appointment yesterday and normally they don't do internals at 36 weeks but she decided to because I've had contractions. Turns out we are 1cm and 50%. Nothing in the grand scheme of things but I still mentally high fived my ute for working!

The car seats are in and the hospital bag is all laid out I just have to put it all IN the bag. We live like 5 blocks from the hospital so I opted to keep it simple and only pack basic toiletries, cotton button down PJs for me, pads, socks, camera with extra battery charged and Rileys take home outfit. I figure we are so close to the hospital that Paul will be able to run home for a shower and change. I'm thinking of throwing a few snacks and sodas in for him as well. I really don't know what else we could possibly need. The phone charger will be last minute and maybe my Kindle just In case, but I doubt I'd Actually need it.

Everyone keeps talking about nesting but I don't know that I am or have. I mean sure I want to get things done and have worked towards getting it all done but I've nothing crazy or panicky. I have a list of things I would like to have done but nothing that I feel needs immediate attention. My house is kind of messy too, which is very out of character for me. Usually mess and clutter send me into a tail spin but eh I just don't really care today.

How Far Along? 36 Weeks
How Much Weight Gain? 13lbs
Maternity Clothes? Everything. Some have been retired for tenting and not being able to cover the bumpage.
Movement? All the time. Rolls and real strong kicks have slowed down as she's run out of room but she likes to stretch and push.
Cravings?I ate 3 cans of fruit the other night. It was weird they were small though and just didn't have enough of what I wanted.
What Do You Miss? Laying on my back. I get light headed and dizzy. I'm so sick of my sides.
Best Part of Last Week? Well its been in the works for awhile but I think we have decided to do our landscaping and patio.
What Are You Looking Forward To? Seeing Pauls face the first time he sees her. Pretty much all my anticipation right now has something to do with delivery.

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